BioGenomics 2017

Added by Richard Challis on February 24th 2017

Following our presentation at PAG XXV we have been developing the containerised pipelines that we use to deploy Lepbase into more generic GenomeHubs that we hope will be useful to groups working on a wide range of clades and communities. Mark Blaxter presented our GenomeHubs approach to dealing with the “black hole” of genomics projects that don’t make it into the archival databases at BioGenomics 2017.

The GenomeHubs code and containers are all available on the Lepbase github and Docker hub repositories with some draft documentation at Having just released Lepbase v4, we’re actively working on reorganising all of this to pull the code and documentation together and test for/fix any bugs. If you would like to set up your own GenomeHub then feel free to try out the code as is, but we should have a much clearer set of instructions and examples ready in the next few weeks.

picture credit: Roen Kelly